Oops!  Oh No!  Urine in My Carpet!  Now What?

Pet Odor Control:

When you have pets, you know that accidents can and will happen. 

Immediate Action On Your Part Is Important!

When your cat or dog urinates on the carpet, it's important to act fast to clean it up while it's still wet. When urine dries, it can stain the carpet and promote bacterial growth. 

What Should I Do?

Immediately, place a thick towel, several rags or several paper towels over the urine-damaged area of the carpet, then walk on it so that it can absorb as much urine as possible.


After soaking up the Urine and in between having Brent's Carpet & Furniture Cleaning out to clean your carpets, a cleaning solution of one part white vinegar to one part water can help to Neutralize The Ammonia Smell of Urine Without Damaging Carpet Fibers. 

Urine is Bacteria...  Dirt you clean.  Bacteria you kill.

We at Brent's Carpet & Furniture Cleaning offer a Topical Sanitization Treatment that helps to kill the Odor causing Bacteria left behind by your Pet's Urine in your Carpet.



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